“Space,” published in aswirl.

“Language Is a Trap,” published in Buzdokuz. Free PDF here.

Bacteria,” published as a leaflet by Enneract Editions. Free PDF here.

“A Labyrinth Is Barely Real,” published in The Minute Review. Free PDF here.

“Aye-Aye,” “Anglerfish,” “Four Paths,” “Past Midnight,” and “Bees,” published in the Book of Penteract from Penteract Press.

Scaling the Mountain of Winter,” published as a chapbook by Enneract Editions. Free PDF here.

Zoolalia, published by Penteract Press. Free PDF here.

“Fifth Dream” and “Salt,” published online by The Aesthetic Directory. Free PDFs here and here.

“A Labyrinth Is a Narrow Hell” and “A Labyrinth Is A Borderline,” published in the anthology Myth & Metamorphosis from Penteract Press. Free PDFs here and here.

“Four Paths,” republished by Buzdokuz. Free PDF here.

“Dragonflies” and “Bees,” published online by the Pi Review. Free PDFs here and here.

Mesh,” published online by RENEGADE. Free PDF here.

“A Labyrinth Is a Barrel of Laughs,” published as a postcard by Timglaset. Free PDF here.

Great Horned Owl,” published online by DUSIE. Free PDF here.

“The Pyramids” and “Annuit Cœptis,” published in G U E S T. Free PDFs here and here.

“Mona Lisa,” published as a leaflet by Penteract Press. Free PDF here.

“A Labyrinth Is a Library of Babel” (originally published online in petrichor), numbered edition of 30 cards.

A Labyrinth Is a Rabbit Hole,” published as a broadside by The Blasted Tree.

“Two Paths,” published as a leaflet by No Press. Free PDF here.

A Labyrinth Is a Library of Babel,” published online in petrichor.

Lightning” (from Glossology), published in ToCall magazine.

“Absinthe,” published as a nanopamphlet by Penteract Press. Free PDF here.

ANTHEM,” published online in

“West Indian Manatee” (from Glossology), numbered edition of 30 cards.

“Four Paths II” and “Three Definitions (for Christian Bök),” published in the anthology Concrete & Constraint from Penteract Press. Free PDFs here and here.

Glossology, a set of lipograms. Free PDF here.

“Four Paths,” published as a chapbook by Timglaset. Free PDF here.

“Examine Your Zoosphere,” published as a leaflet by Penteract Press. Free PDF here.

Antagony” (from Abacus), published as a micro-leaflet by Spacecraft Press.

Abacus, a collection of constrained poetry. Free PDF here.
